Super Crackers

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What are green crackers & how do we identify them?

According to the National Green Tribunal (NGT), green crackers are permitted only in cities and towns where air quality is moderate or poor,” that there is reduction in emission of sound as well in green crackers.

While lighting crackers can be fun, with growing environmental concerns and the harmful effects of traditional crackers on increasing pollution, it’s important to consider the impact on the climate. Many places are now promoting eco-friendly and soundless Diwali celebrations to reduce air and noise pollution. If you still want to burn crackers, green and eco-friendly crackers can be an alternative.

Green crackers are defined by the CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (CSIR NEERI) as firecrackers with a smaller shell, no ash and/or additives such as dust suppressants to reduce emissions, especially particulate matter. These crackers do not contain the barium compounds that give them their distinctive green colour. Barium is a metal oxide that pollutes the air and causes noise. Burning green crackers produces water vapour, which reduces the amount of dust emitted. Green firecrackers produce sounds between 110 and 125 decibels, while conventional firecrackers produce sounds of around 160 decibels, making them almost 30 per cent less noisy than conventional firecrackers.

How to identify green crackers?

Green crackers can be identified by the distinctive green colour logo of CSIR-NEERI and PESO and a Quick Response (QR) code. There are also three categories of green crackers:

SWAS (Safe Water Releaser): It releases water vapour into the atmosphere to reduce dust. It emits 30% less particulate matter and does not contain sulphur or potassium nitrate.

STAR (Safe Thermite Cracker): Contains no potassium nitrate or sulphur, emits less particulate matter and reduces sound intensity.

SAFAL: It has minimal use of aluminium and more magnesium. It produces less noise than traditional firecrackers.

Aside from these three clearly defined categories, buying from authorized stores rather than street vendors is advised. To light these crackers, people should ideally use a long candle or phooljhari and hold them at arm’s length, keeping their elbows straight to increase the distance between their body and the cracker.

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